
Our spacious facilities, spread over 10,000 square meters, help us to take the best care of our our customers’ products from the moment they enter the premises to the moment of its delivery. We have modern platforms with adjustable loading and unloading platforms, that adapt to any type of vehicle to increase the safety of both cargo and personnel. 


Our reception and delivery area is capable of receiving ten units simultaneously. 


Our dock levelers are ideal for the unloading of products:


  • They help to level the height of the platform with the height of the unloading truck.
  • They are capable of supporting the weight of forklifts and stackers.
  • They provide speed in the loading and unloading flow.


For each job order we deliver a real balance of materials that ensures the maximum output of your paper kilo for kilo, obtaining a minimum waste percentage.


We offer modern facilities and warehouses to store your products safely.
